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Statistical Process Control Template

PLEASE NOTE:  This template is not really ready for publication yet.  But it is in process right now, and I want to start bragging about it, because I think it is really some hot stuff.  When it is ready, here is what you will get........

Engineers, as a group, hate inefficiency.  I know I do, don't you?  That is why I have developed the Statistical Process Control and Process Capability Analysis template.  So many calculations need to be performed, so many times, that it just makes sense to have a re-usable tool that performs the necessary tasks.

Two items are necessary to us, the working engineering professionals:  first, the understanding of the theory behind SPC, and second, the software tools that do the work.  Many textbooks and seminars exist to give you the necessary understanding, but if you requre a software tool, I recommend you purchase our SPC Template right here.

What does this template do for you?  Well, for starters, it is an Excel file that is completely configurable and re-writable for you Excel jockeys. On the other hand, if you are not an Excel expert, you can merely pop in your input values and let it hand you back the output values that you need.  Either way, it is meant to skip the first few days worth of effort that most engineers would need to invest in an SPC calculation effort or a determination of a Process Capability.

This template accepts inputs for all the important issues in an SPC analysis.  That is, the nominal value and tolerance limits for a production process, as well as the central tendency and process spread of the actual production process that you are using.  

The template returns all of those analyses that are necessary for an SPC analyses: such items as Process Capability Analysis formulae and results, Control Charts for your process, and judgement criteria regarding whether your process is "in control" or "out of control."  There are also several pre-canned graphical plots designed to plop into your report to managment.  And since it is all in Excel, you are free to re-format or re-program any or all of the information as you see fit, and to generate any graphs or reports that your company requires.

As a final plug, I am free for additional consulting, on a daily-rate basis, if you need additional help for your SPC or Process Capability analyses.  Just contact me at jcesarone999@gmail.com.

To obtain a copy of this template, when it is ready, all you will need to do is send $40.00 to jcesarone999@gmail.com via PayPal.  The best approach is to e-mail me first so I know it is coming.  I hope that the template serves you well, and I look forward to your feedback!