
On-Site Seminars

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Reliability Engineering

Seminar Description:
This seminar provides working engineers and other product professionals with practical knowledge of classical, innovative, and emerging technologies for improving reliability in products and processes.  It utilize a combination of lectures and case studies to provide a real-life, problem solving, goal-oriented approach to developing reliability skills.

Setting Requirements
Fitting Models to Data
Reliability Modeling and Allocation
Designing In Reliability
Mechanical Reliability
Electronic Reliability
Software Reliability
Reliability Testing
Reliability in Manufacturing
Maintainability and Availability
Reliability Management

Obviously, this is a lot of material!  In fact, at IIT, I teach this as two semester-long graduate courses.  But, it can be scaled down to meet the needs of a particular company, with focus on your particular products and processes.  It makes a really good four-day seminar.  Shoot me an e-mail at jcesarone999@gmail.com and we'll find a solution that works for you.