Structured Decision Analysis Template
PLEASE NOTE:  This template is not really ready for publication yet.  But it is in process right now, and I want to start bragging about it, because I think it is really some hot stuff.  When it is ready, here is what you will get........

Much of my consulting work involves helping people make structured, rational decisions that they can defend in an objective manner.  Making decisions isn't that hard, let's face it, but justifying those decisions to your possibly clueless superiors, and documenting the thought processes behind them, can be problematic.  That is why this template was developed.

The EngineeringSolutions Structured Decision Analysis template has served many clients and justified many a decision.  With this template, you will easily be able to show the alternatives that you have considered, the criteria by which you have judged them, and the rational process by which you have selected the winning candidate.  And the template is embedded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, so it is easy to run with skills and software that you already posses, and easy to update for your own particular needs.

Specific features of the Structured Decision Analysis template include:
- defining alternatives
- needs vs. wants
- ratings and probabilities of success
- consideration of adverse consequences
- and much more!

The price for the Structured Decision Analysis template will be $40.00 when I get it finished, payable by using PayPal.  But be sure to notify me by e-mail first.  If it's business hours, I'm probably on-line anyway.  Please email to and request the Structured Decision Analysis template and I'll email you a copy as soon as I receive your payment.

For a special offer on a Unit Conversion template, click this bad boy.

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